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Messages for Lawmakers

Messages for Lawmakers

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Defund the Genocide

End State Sanctioned Genocide


"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,

but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,

against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." 

Ephesians 6:11




Abortion is not a private matter between a woman and her doctor, it is the systematic, state-sponsored elimination of human beings determined "unfit" or "unwanted", just as slavery and the Nazi Holocaust were before it. A just society can no longer tolerate this crime against humanity that has stolen more than 61 million human lives.






Every day, women are placed at risk of injury, hospitalization, and death at Planned Parenthood abortion facilities around the nation.  Many women are never informed about the significant physical and emotional consequences of abortion.  If abortion is "healthcare", shouldn't we require abortionists to provide the same consumer protections as all other doctors?



does not need or deserve our funding

Planned Parenthood engages in fraud, targeting minorities, exploiting women and girls, infanticide and selling baby body parts.  Regardless of your position on "choice", Planned Parenthood is  bad business that does not deserve public support. Voters support laws that protect both women AND children, as well as their conscience objections.


 planned parenthood aids sexual abusers in name of "choice"

Through the Time's Up and Me Too movements, America is calling for an end to sexual abuse in every institution. But few are calling out Planned Parenthood, one of America’s biggest accomplices to sexual abuse, even though there is widespread documentation of decades-long systemic sexual abuse cover up behind its doors.


women deserve better than abortion-



Women need access to whole-woman healthcare that Planned Parenthood simply doesn't provide. For each Planned Parenthood clinic, there are 20 community health clinics that provide free and low cost comprehensive healthcare, without the violence of abortion. Voters prefer programs that support both mother and children.




right to lIFE



The Constitution is silent on the issue of abortion, but very clear on the right to life.  Constitutional scholars universally acknowledge that the authors of the Constitution and Bill of Rights attributed the rights to life and liberty to God or "nature", not government. All are created equal in the eyes of God.  Neither God, nor the Constitution grants government the authority to deny the God-given right to life, but a duty to provide equal protection of that right under the law.


"As for me and my House,we shall serve the Lord."

Joshua 24:15

Taxpayer Funding of Abortion at Planned Parenthood

Taxpayer Funding of Abortion at Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion chain, committing over 320,000 abortions per year, 887 abortions per day. And yet every year, Planned Parenthood gets over half a billion of our taxpayer dollars from state and federal governments, which averages to over 1.5 million dollars per day. In an attempt to defend themselves, Planned Parenthood repeats over and over again their talking point that according to the Hyde Amendment, federal taxpayer dollars cannot pay for abortions in most cases. But keep in mind that the Hyde amendment only covers federal funding of abortion, not state funding of abortion. 17 states, covering about 40% of the American population , use taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions through programs such as Medicaid. So a portion of Planned Parenthood’s half a billion in government revenue comes directly from state taxpayer funded abortions. But federal taxpayer dollars also pay for abortions. Under the federal program Title X, your federal taxpayer dollars directly pay for potentially abortion causing emergency contraception, such as Plan B and the Morning After Pill. Additionally, the Hyde amendment is insufficient to stop federal funding from paying for Planned Parenthood’s abortion business because money is fungible. The concept of fungibility works like this: Let’s say 16-year-old Stacy wants to buy a big screen TV that costs $1,000. Stacy has $1,000 but she needs to spend $500 to fix her car. Her Mom comes along and says, “I’ll give you $500 to fix the car, but it is ONLY for the car. No way am I giving you money to buy a TV! In fact, I’m only going to reimburse you after you pay to get the car fixed.” Obviously, because of Mom, Stacy now has enough money to fix her car and buy the TV. Fungibility means that even though Mom restricted her money from directly paying for the TV, she still helped Stacy pay for it by freeing up Stacy’s other money. The same is true for Planned Parenthood. They do things like abortions, birth control, STD testing and treatment, and marketing and lobbying. And they fund these operations with hundreds of millions of dollars in income and donations. So when the government comes along and gives Planned Parenthood hundreds of millions of our taxpayer dollars a year, even though it is technically restricted from, it frees up plenty of that income and donation money to pay for their abortion operations, including the procedures, facilities, staffing, building costs, and other abortion related overhead expenses. So, when taxpayer money does fund abortion facilitators, and does fund abortion facilities, how can anyone make the claim that federal taxpayer money does not fund abortions? Planned Parenthood says that defunding them will deprive many people from basic health care. But that’s completely up to Planned Parenthood. Understand, Planned Parenthood always has the option of keeping their half a billion dollars in taxpayer money—if they shut down their abortion business, but Planned Parenthood has refused this option. Even though Planned Parenthood says abortion is a small part of what they do, they give it such high priority that they are willing to stop giving other patients health care. This is why right now, there is a massive and increasing demand from the American people to defund Planned Parenthood. Learn more:
Defund PP 16 9 test
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